To celebrate the fact that my publisher is running a price promotion for the last two weeks of December (It’s Not About The Coach is available as an ebook for 0.99 across all currencies) I thought I’d send out a series of free videos. Here is number 2 of 3 – curiosity….
Any coachee worth his or her salt will possess the ability to be curious about themselves and others. Indeed, this very curiosity is typically the trigger for the coaching in
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To celebrate the fact that my publisher is running a price promotion for the last two weeks of December (It’s Not About The Coach is available as an ebook for 0.99 across all currencies) I thought I’d send out a series of free videos. Here is number 1 of 3 – authenticity….
To find your authentic self as a coachee, you really need to reflect on your experience and maybe highlight moments in your life that influenced you. Recognise your inner
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After 5 year of research, writing and hard work my book It’s Not About The Coach is finally due for release on Friday 29th of November!
If you have liked the free content that I have shared in the last three postings (possibilities, perception, & performance videos) then the book of course goes even deeper. I have now filled the much needed gap to provide the required support (and challenge) for coachees who are considering coaching as means of self development. The book
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Once the coachee has considered possibilities, changed perception, it is now time to challenge performance. This is the most obvious indicator for a successful coachee and coaching relationship.
Asking yourself the question – who are you being? Who are you being on the inner. Who are you being on the outer.
This short reading describes how your language, emotions and body are all indicators of performance. Have you found your centre? Have you slowed down so you can see the world in
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Once the coachee has started to work with possibilities, it is now time to move on and consider perception. Knowledge and our understanding is underpinned by this perception.
Truth, belief and justification. What you thought to be true when you were assessing possibilities, might have shifted for you now.
As this short reading from my book demonstrates, the best question you can ask yourself right now is – how do you know what you know?
It’s Not About The Coach is published on 29th
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The coachees journey can be defined by three phases. Possibilities, perception and performance. This first phase is all about assessing possibilities. What you can achieve. Not what you can’t achieve. An effective coachee will hold onto many different possibilities at this stage, without sidelining options until perhaps later on.
Let possibilities be your fuel, a way to connect to what you can achieve by working with a coach. A vision will start to form…
As this reading shows “It’s all invented, everything
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When leaders are being true to themselves there are times when they have to hand over to others. No matter how protective they might feel. So it’s time to hand over the reins of this posting to my good friend and colleague Janice Caplan from The Scala Group. Find out more about how you can learn from and contribute to the HR Barometer…
In today’s times of rapid change and insecurity, career development is the new job security
For years management practice has
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I found it all too easy to come up with a Halloween inspired blog. Like Victor Frankenstein we are all creators, creators of talent. But sometimes the Frankenstein Effect (my made up name for this conflict!?) limits our intention to create. We worry that our creations will turn on us.
Striving to be authentic we know the right thing to do is develop the talent around us but sometimes we are scared for our own well being. Will they take our jobs? Will
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Here are my reflections on the European Mentoring and Coaching Council’s (EMCC) research conference, (4:32) video. I was delighted to attend Niels-Henrik Sorensen’s presentation on narrative coaching. I loved his authenticity from the outset, where he outlined to his audience not to critique him for his fast paced approach. Because Niels is exactly that, fast, inspiring and thought-provoking.
Niels presented two really important concepts in the world of narrative coaching (based on a case study approach for a program that he
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There is one book I always recommend in the coaching world and that’s The Tao Of Coaching by Max Landsberg. Why? Well without devaluing this classic text – it is short to read (2 hours), gets to the point and offers an excellent introduction to coaching. If you are well versed in coaching I encourage you to read it, furthermore, I encourage you to share it with others. That most likely is it’s greatest value – sharing the coaching message and
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