It was an absolute privilege to research, write and publish my first book. I was passionate about breaking new ground in the coaching arena, as well as allowing some of my preferences to flourish. I am very aware that the book operates with a strong personal narrative. Sometimes cryptic, poetic, and intuitive. So I think I have probably got those bases covered.
Over the past 12 months I have been busy developing another approach to the book. This time it’s highly
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The GROW coaching model is probably one of the most widely recognised coaching models, and rightly so as it is simple, accessible and far-reaching if need be. The G (that stands for goals) does however sometimes place too much emphasis on this area at the start of a coaching relationship. If you are being coached then an awareness of your goals is certainly worth exploring, however, it is not the be all and end all when you start.
Instead let the
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The biggest shift I see coachees needing to make is the ability to work with questions rather than answers. Society and education is dominated by answers, the perceived power that comes with being right. Yet we know that coaching doesn’t work on this level, it’s much more geared towards presenting open questions that search and explore.
One of the best signs that a coachee is ready for coaching, is that they develop the ability to self coach. In the context of
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If you are being coached then you will know that it is a naturally supportive environment. A coach who has got your back, committed and intent on supporting your personal development. Likewise there is plenty of time to reflect, as the coach will typically give you the space you need to take time out. Not too much time between sessions though, as maintaining momentum is also key.
If we support people and then give them space, the third and final approach
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This is a modern interpretation of the Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu, with a coaching twist. It’s only right for me to declare an interest here, as Mo is a good friend and former coach. But even without my bias I consider this book a delight, poetry in motion. A wonderfully light and lifting take on coaching. Mo describes great coaching concepts described in a playful way, no text books here. More art than science. I have read it
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As technology comes to the fore the world of learning is flipped, face to face learning is no longer the only desired medium. Instead we must also embrace online experiences as an accompaniment or the sole method of delivery. Embodying values in this global age – agile, convenient, flexible, current, nimble, consistent, trusting, choice, gamification, efficient.
In an online world we can efficiently handle – admissions, workshops, peer interaction, facilitator interaction, problem solving, assignments, assessments, deadlines and accreditation.
For example, coaching is
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I firmly believe that my goal to ‘hack authenticity and open source it for all’ will have impact. People who are authentic do not rely on luck, they always have a system. In the context of these postings they have a method for hacking authenticity. Over the years they have developed a habit, discipline, worship, observance, act, practice and custom. The trick with this hack is to make it so easy that you have no excuses for not getting started
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My stated aim is to ‘hack authenticity and open source it for all’ is in itself a question – what makes someone show up as being truly authentic? This hack is all about questions not necessarily answers. Authentic individuals are comfortable treading this line between knowing and not knowing. Indeed in a recent posting I said that ‘If you aren’t asking yourself enough questions (or the right types of questions) then you probably aren’t being authentic.’
Questions are great when you need to
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‘Hacking authenticity and open sourcing it for all’ is a bold aim that I have signed up to. This next hack is influenced by Star Wars and the great coach and mentor himself – Yoda. “Do or do not, there is no try” is a well known quote, see the 25 seconds of magic here. Authentic individuals never try, instead they commit, act and the deliver. But it’s not this word that interests me, instead it’s the concept of do
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My stated aim is to ‘hack authenticity and open source it for all’ and in doing so I embody this hack, by combining my passions and outcomes. This hack appears simple enough, but it is designed to combat a pitfall of modern day society. Many of us think we make the connection between passions and outcomes, yet we sometimes missed the point entirely.
You need to be really precise when you map out what you are passionate about. Make sure you
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