The rogues behind culture change

Written by Stuart Haden on September 28, 2016

In my last posting I talked about positioning resources as the foundation of culture change initiatives. Even if a strategy and business case for embedding change has been developed it can still feel like a daunting prospect. A top down effort to shift mindsets across an organisation is no mean feat. Which is why I also recommend working bottom up with individuals and teams. Seek out a few rogues who can influence the culture change.

Back to our coaching cultures example, individuals need to

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If culture eats strategy for breakfast – how can we get started?

Written by Stuart Haden on September 21, 2016

When you develop organisational culture there is no need for a fireworks display or a big bang to launch any new initiatives. In truth you have already started, because the change in some shape or form is already being practiced. The key aim to culture work is providing a bit more form. Gather some resources; read, listen or watch. This is akin to stocking the shelves in a shop, without it you haven’t got any products and the shop front window is

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Being in the zone – tales from a coaching conference

Written by Stuart Haden on September 14, 2016

This week I was lucky enough to chair the CIPD’s Coaching for Business Performance Conference. The event really resonated with me in my own search to gather amazing content and connections that can help individuals boost their performance levels. Jeremy Snape an Ex-England cricketer quickly introduced flow states with personal examples from his career. Where it went well, and not so well…

The idea of perceived challenge versus perceived coping skills is an important area to navigate. To do this Jeremy talked

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Gratitude and how to hack flow

Written by Stuart Haden on September 7, 2016

I hope you’ll thank me for this posting. Not just a casual, passing thanks. But something more meaningful. Gratitude that can boost your energy levels. An appreciation that can help you overcome life’s challenges.

You can document your heartfelt thanks, or let the applause run through your head. Recognise what you and others have done, or might do.

To make the most of this technique I encourage you to consider what you are immediately grateful for on a physical, emotional and intellectual level.

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Free writing and how to hack flow

Written by Stuart Haden on August 31, 2016

Despite the electronic age, journaling and writing seems to be making a bit of a comeback. Tactile and memorable. This second flow hack encourages us to dust off our notepad and pens, and tackle 3 stages of free writing.

Write – a question that needs answers, something that is on your mind and needs to be let loose. Secondly, incubate and leave this question be. Allow time for the ink to dry, and come back when you are ready. Settle and

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Box breathing and how to hack flow

Written by Stuart Haden on August 24, 2016

Optimal performance can be engineered, we can all increase our odds of finding flow with a few simple and deliberate intentions. And like many things in life this first flow hack takes an everyday activity and adding a dose of precision. Something that you are doing right now, something that you can do with greater awareness, right now. A few minutes when you need it most, a daily practice to keep you on top of your game.

Breathe. Hold. Breathe. Hold.

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Flow Trigger #17 – Creativity

Written by Stuart Haden on August 17, 2016

Wow, what a blast – here we are on our 17th (and final) flow trigger. Remember you don’t need to pull all of them to kick into flow, if you are being authentic then many of the triggers will already be in place. But paying attention to engineering these triggers can create a tipping point for flow.

Whilst only having one slot in the top 17, creativity really does matter. I like to think that creativity must figure in the 3 groups

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Flow Trigger #16 – Always Say Yes

Written by Stuart Haden on August 10, 2016

With only one flow trigger left in the locker this is our final social trigger, and one that many people struggle with. One of the first rules of time management is – to say no. But here we are calling on you to always say yes. Well I have a strong view on this – if you and others are in flow you do not need to manage your time. Remember you can be up to 500% more effective, and

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Flow Trigger #15 – Close Listening

Written by Stuart Haden on August 3, 2016

This flow trigger is not just about listening, it’s about close listening. Listening closely to the people around you so that you can all kick into flow. This kind of listening can only take place in the present – be here now.

Be a first class noticer, observing what is said and what is not said. Listen without memory, otherwise your mind is in the past. Listen without desire, otherwise your mind is in the future.

That way you can be fully engaged,

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Flow Trigger #14 – Sense Of Control

Written by Stuart Haden on July 27, 2016

A Sense Of Control represents our 7th Social trigger. Groups need to be given a certain amount of freedom to excel. Autonomy and independence that respects competence creates flow.

Choose your challenges and skills development. A degree of control over the goals so that our sense of purpose remains strong. Make sure that destiny is in your own hands, even thought you have to embrace the uncertainty that will undoubtedly come you way.

If the group feel out of control then it has

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