Masterclasses and why they beat open courses hands down

Written by Stuart Haden on June 17, 2014

As a creative individual I tend to jump to different possibilities quite quickly. Which is why I am always on the lookout to challenge the human development industry so that it can meet participants needs and break free from tradition. Expensive open courses have been a bug bear of mine for sometime. Value for money can be questionable, unless you are the provider that is! There is no scam to detect, just a more authentic way to deliver the learning.

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Getting the most from coaching in sport – part 2

Written by Stuart Haden on June 12, 2014

Now the World Cup really is upon us as Brazil and Croatia get the ball well and truly rolling. Will flair prevail as the Brazilians delight the home crowds. Or will the coachable Germans and Italians grind out another competition. Perhaps a combination of both will lead to success maybe, the Spanish – coachable yet precise….

As one of the first recognized texts to hit the bookshelves I also focus on the player so that he/she can get the most from coaching, whether

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Getting the most from coaching in sport – part 1

Written by Stuart Haden on June 10, 2014

We can learn so much in our lives and work from the world of sport. With the World Cup only a couple of days away this weeks posting seeks to explore how we can get the most from coaching. Whether you are playing at the highest level or in the park read on…

Are you coachable? And if you are – how coachable are you? These are the two questions that my book (It’s Not About The Coach) aims to answer.

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How to create awesome podcasts

Written by Stuart Haden on June 4, 2014

Content creation is paramount these days, coupled with technology the possibilities are never-ending. I have always been drawn to podcasts, for their simplicity and accessibility. However, I had wrongly assumed that creating one would be far more complex than simply listening. That is until I discovered the Auphonic app.


I am somewhat of an early adopter when it comes to technology, however, grappling with functionality doesn’t always come naturally to me. Auphonic is an ‘audio post production web service

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When and how do you experience flow?

Written by Stuart Haden on May 28, 2014

Personally the path to being authentic needs to be a natural one. One in which we embrace the laws of nature, so that we can harness energy and vitality. But how do we know when we get there? The work of Csikszentmihalyi (Cheek-sent-me-hi-ee) has always led me to describing these states as flow. Now with the help of the Flow Genome Project I have contemporary resources for describing flow states. Ones that I hope you too will be inspired by.


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Authenticity captured on film

Written by Stuart Haden on May 21, 2014

A year or so ago I came across Soul Biographies by Nic Askew, and I quickly signed up for his weekly films. The word soul initially grabbed me and I couldn’t resist when I read Nic state ‘When the soul is caught between the frames of a film, the viewer might catch sight of their own reflection.’ Nic’s films have always been part of my routine to connect with greatness. The black and white imagery evoking all sorts of feelings

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Podcasts – are you connected?

Written by Stuart Haden on May 12, 2014

There has never been a better time to connect to podcasts, the content and technology is now outstanding. They are easily accessed and are great way to keep abreast of the new. I use the Pocket casts app, no hassle – just my chosen episodes downloaded as they are broadcast. In order to be authentic we need to create form, podcasts are great source of inspiration, meaning purpose and connections.

My favourite podcast for some time has been The Unmistakable Creative.

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Are you leading for high performance?

Written by Stuart Haden on May 6, 2014

I recently presented at the Clinical Leadership Learning Event in Cardiff. We got off to an upbeat start with our Chair for the day – Fiona Jenkins. Pretty quickly 200+ participants were focused and hungry for more. I am always drawn to leaders who start with WHY, in her opening address Ruth Hussey did exactly that. Presenting the honest and exciting challenges for the NHS. This got me thinking – if we know ‘why’ is this one of the routes

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A timely reminder about change

Written by Stuart Haden on April 9, 2014

If you are looking for some lessons in change then look no further than nature.

This short video (2:04) does exactly that, a surprise, an opportunity, a challenge and maybe some wet feet.

What would you do if your path was blocked? interview – tackling some of coaching’s biggest questions

Written by Stuart Haden on April 2, 2014 is a community market place for professional development and when they asked me to partake in a short interview I jumped at the chance. Here are my views on some of the biggest questions in coaching right now….

Here is the link to the interview, or you can read my responses below…

1) How do you feel the coaching industry has evolved in recent times?

Coaching has certainly gained more prominence in society over the years. For example, we now find coaches

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