As many of you know I published my first book (It’s Not About The Coach) just over a year ago. When I wrote the book I interviewed 85 organisations, I want to apply a similar level of research now that I am designing the workshop content. This is why I am looking to connect with organisations so that I can run a free half day workshop and road test the session.
The aim of the workshop is to ensure that coachees can get the
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For over a year now I have signed up for Nic Askew’s Soul Biographies film of the week. What better way to start your Monday morning than ‘human spirit and emotion caught on Black & White Film‘. Nic and I share a passion for authenticity which was something I blogged about back in May –
I asked Nic to contribute to a blog, exploring the question – what makes someone show up as being truly authentic? I was delighted when he came back
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My last three postings have followed my journey in creating free online course (It’s Not About The Coach – 3 part INTRODUCTION). During this time I have really been interested in ascertaining how ready people need to be. What is the ideal level of readiness, can this be expressed as a percentage?
In order to find our starting point I gathered information from 27 organisations, it became clear that the average readiness for coaching is around the 40% mark. If the
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If you are operating at high speeds then from time to time a lightning quick reaction can keep you out of trouble. No time to assess and reflect, let the body take over. If you are ever in a situation where you are being coached then you also need to let the body take over. This time though you need to slow down, and listen to your body’s emotions.
Your emotions are merely signposts, giving you valuable information about your next
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Just about everybody takes up coaching in the context of change. I.e. they have an agenda for change, be it personal, team or organisational focused. Yet most people I coach only come to the table having previously explored one half of the equation. I can guarantee that (like any good mathematical formula) if you do identify both of the following areas then things will start to add up. When you consider the following two questions, naturally work on your gaps
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When people are being coached they often place too much emphasis on what they think they should be doing. Of course they are part of a relationship that needs to deliver outcomes, which is perhaps why people play it safe. They ‘should on’ (s**t on) their otherwise amazing plans.
Perhaps being scared of how great they can be they reduce their opportunities by working on what they think they should be doing, rather than a more expansive could approach.
In this two
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When I published my book (It’s Not About The Coach) rather than sitting back and admiring my good work, I knew I had to take this message to the next level. The date of publication did not signify the end, instead another starting gun was fired.
Over the last few months I have realised that not everybody wants to access readiness for coaching in the form of a book. Equally (being completely honest with you) not everybody needs all nine parts
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If you are authentic then you create a different type of energy. Knowing how to harness this energy is vital particularly if what you’ve created leads to high performance. A great book in this area is Zor by JB, as it integrates fiction and non fiction. Zor a Haitian Dwarf leads John Brewster on a journey of self discovery into the realms of positive energy. Like John there are lessons for us all when the two lead characters meets at Jakes Bar in
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As we approach the Christmas and New Year period it is a good time to round up the blogs from this year. There are 7 in all that have made the list – mostly because they have got you talking, defined my approach to hacking authenticity and brought great resources and people to our attention. But in short they all go a long way to answering my meta question – what makes someone show up as being truly authentic?
NY’s resolutions
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Well it’s not every day that you find yourself sandwiched in between David Clutterbuck and Marshall Goldsmith. Not literally of course but I have just had my second article published in the Worldwide Coaching Magazine with the gurus of coaching and leadership contributing also. The magazine was recognised as one of the world’s top 3 coaching publications in the recent Sherpa Survey, and with a stated aim of ‘In depth knowledge, outspoken opinions’ it resonated with me immediately.
This months theme is all
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