2 years on – what now for coachability?

Written by Stuart Haden on November 27, 2015

2 years ago I published my first book – It’s Not About The Coach. An attempt to boost coachability and make sure that coachees are just as ready for coaching as coaches are. Anybody who has spent any time looking at the book realises how critical coachability can be. It seems obvious – and it is, best of all the solution to ensuring coachability is relatively simple once you know how. Like me readers are beginning to wonder why we are so focussed

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Why a ‘flow framework’ can change your life (1 of 5)

Written by Stuart Haden on November 24, 2015

I am very happy ‘standing on the shoulders of giants’ in my work. Right now the Flow Genome Project are really pushing the boundaries of optimal performance. I was pretty comfortable with  the concept of flow states, but when I realised a framework existed this kicked my performance into another stratosphere. I could now engineer flow in my life and work more regularly, easily by as much as 15% of my waking hours. Now if you consider flow can produce 5 times the

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You don’t need to evaluate everything you do

Written by Stuart Haden on November 17, 2015

When I run a workshop it’s standard procedure to hand out evaluation forms at the end of the session. Trouble is standard procedures aren’t always a valuable investment of our time. Very often we just roll them out because that’s what we have always done. Blindly following what has gone on before, a procession lining up out of habit.

If you run a restaurant would you issue feedback cards to every diner? Did anybody evaluate your contribution to the meeting you attended

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The great coaching accreditation and supervision debate

Written by Stuart Haden on November 10, 2015

Being a coach who undergoes supervision and has an accredited qualification are certainly indicators of quality. However, I am neither accredited or undergo supervision (in the traditional sense). My coach training began in 2001, this was before accreditation gained any real recognition. In 2005 I looked at accrediting my coaching practice to date. One supplier offered me their premium accreditation route, which culminated in a dissertation. However, I had already completed this mean feat during my MSc in Human Resources. Another supplier

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Do we need a shared chemistry with our coach?

Written by Stuart Haden on November 3, 2015

Over the years I have often wondered how significant it is that coachees share a connection with their coach. Prior to coaching a chemistry meeting is often set up so that a coachee can choose from a number of coaches. But, how does a coachee know what they need from a coach? And even if they did, does this connection really matter?

I am reading I Am That by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaja. Billed as a modern day spiritual classic it challenges my world view, rich in

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Introducing Mastering Coaching by Max Landsberg

Written by Stuart Haden on October 27, 2015

For years I have recommended The Tao of Coaching by Max Landsberg, it’s a great introductory text for any aspiring coach. And now it has company because Landsberg has written what will no doubt be another best seller. Mastering Coaching brings coaching right up to the present day.

Part I kicks off with chapters on neuroscience, sports psychology, positive psychology, mindfulness and experiential learning. This provides a great access point for these disciplines. Part II is packed with loads of strategies, giving coaches a well needed structure

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Where is the spirit in the sky? (7 of 7)

Written by Stuart Haden on October 20, 2015

Are you a human being? Are you sure? Teilhard de Chardin reminds us “We’re not human beings that have occasional spiritual experiences. We’re spiritual beings that have occasional human experiences.” Thus we neglect spirit at our peril, particularly if our intention is to harness our personal energy.

So often associated with religion (which is only part of the equation) we sometimes struggle to find our spirit in the sky. Yet we’ve probably all talked about team spirit or someone who lacks

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I bet you have signed up to a school of thought (6 of 7)

Written by Stuart Haden on October 13, 2015

Schools of thought are just fine as long as you also sign up to a school of emotion as I outlined in my last posting. Building your knowledge, study, learning, reading and writing are all effective ways to boost your cognitive energy. Then your world view can be planned and organised. Logical in your approach – analyse, assess and certify.

Carlos Castaneda once said, “A man of knowledge has unbending intent.” This knowledge can fuel our journey and give us a

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Have you been to a school of emotion? (5 of 7)

Written by Stuart Haden on October 6, 2015

It’s strange don’t you think…we refer to schools of thought. But what about schools of emotion? Emotional Intelligence is a key part of harnessing your personal energy. Fear can get in the way of everything that we do. But if we train our hearts just like we can our muscles then we can develop pride and esteem. Relationships, emotions, social interactions and confidence can all improve. The bonds we make, and those we need to break. Time to start tugging

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Your physical power needs process & precision (4 of 7)

Written by Stuart Haden on September 29, 2015

When I recorded The Seven Secrets of Increasing Personal Energy as an online course perhaps the standout secret was physical energy. We all know that sleep, nutrition and exercise can influence how we perform in work and life but many of us lack a system that can improve our physical energy levels.

In this short video I share a very simple system developed by Brendon Burchard…

Burchard is the author of The Charge and The Motivation Manifesto so he knows a thing

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