Leadership as Behaviour with Coby Karl, Rich Diviney, and Dr. Sarah Sarkis

Written by Stuart Haden on October 17, 2024

I am a huge fan of the Flow Research Collective and their podcast series. In this episode some very distinguished guests take on the simple yet complex job of defining leadership. In doing so they tackle dynamic subordination (in high-performing teams), lessons from sport, defining leadership expertise, the role of flow, attunement/shared experience and balancing training and education in the Business World.


Introducing Step Up, Step Back by Elsbeth Johnson

Written by Stuart Haden on October 3, 2024

In the context of change efforts this book has a captivating start for 3 reasons…

 1)        Johnson begins by highlighting that most endeavours struggle or even fail because something gets lost in translation. This takes place between the people who ask for the change (leaders), and the people responsible for delivering the change (managers).

2)        She describes what she calls The Four Delusions of Leadership, the things we believe about leadership that can often be mis guided. The magic delusion, the activity delusion, the

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