Awe inspiring environments and why they matter

Written by Stuart Haden on June 26, 2019

The word awesome has crept up the rankings over the years, and the clue is in the name – awe. We need a sense of awe in our lives to gain a sense of perspective. Outdoor environments are great for this, they put us in our place. I have previously posted about a Place of power – or perhaps it’s the power of place.

We often get lost in these environments, literally – or more simply when time flies and our minds wander. But

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Openness – the revolving door of optimal performance

Written by Stuart Haden on June 12, 2019

Riffing off a Stone Roses classic, I wanna be adored. I have to sell my soul. It’s in me. And in order to do so I wanna be in flow. That’s what other people value and appreciate. Someone who is at their very best, giving it their all. Practicing what they are preaching. Backstage I plan to open and empty myself.

OK the stages we operate on might not be sold out arenas but they can still be wide open spaces. Outstanding, all alone, it’s yours.

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