Are you achieving flow for 2.5 hours a day?

Written by Stuart Haden on February 22, 2018

We can be in flow for about 15% of our waking time, which normally equates to about 2.5 hours per day. This stat is probably quite easy to relate to…for a couple of hours a day we act and feel our very best.

So if this is how much rocket fuel we have at our disposal let’s consider using it wisely. When do we need to bring it? Equally when do we need to keep some in reserve, a quick boost

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How flow can help us to keep pace with the rise of the machines

Written by Stuart Haden on February 7, 2018

Being in flow is often reserved for times when you need it most, quite rightly. Important meetings, presentations or problem solving activities that require your ‘A game.’ We talk about optimising the machines around us all the time. Software – updates, upgrades, versions, bugs and fixes.

I apply the same approach to our human software (and hardware). How can we update our knowledge, upgrade our systems, be a better version of ourselves, iron out the bugs and fix our attention on

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