How to get Streaks ahead of the competition

Written by Stuart Haden on May 24, 2017

In my last posting (How to develop habits in 8 easy steps) I shared everything you need to know about forming habits. But what if you had a to do list that also helps you to form good habits? Well the Streaks app does exactly that. I have tried to consolidate my intentions in one place for a very long time…apps, journals, screen savers, reminders and back again. But this simple app trumps them all.

Why? Well for a start you

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How to develop habits in 8 easy steps

Written by Stuart Haden on May 10, 2017

One great way to indicate that learning that has taken place is the formation of habit. Not an action plan at the end of the course, a one hit wonder that has little or no sustainability. Instead a practice that you can adapt and adopt perhaps even on a daily basis. Loads of great research has been done recently, and as usual here I am handing it over to you in a short and sharp video. I’ll follow this up a 2

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