Introducing Why Should Anyone Work Here? By Goffee and Jones
Written by Stuart Haden on March 29, 2017
Authenticity is a short cut to flow and optimal performance. Goffee and Jones’s book (Why Should Anyone Be Led By You?) was a game changer, and they’ve done it again. Authenticity again to the fore, wonderfully described, expressing your values skilfully.
This book is worth its money alone for the question it poses. Turning traditional views on its head – why should anyone work here? In the changing world of work; think gig economy, this is a question that people are asking. If we aren’t asking this question then the organisations we inhabit will soon loose relevance, and with that resonance.
What do you want? The neat DREAMS framework, presents six broad imperatives…
Difference – I want to work in a place where I can be myself…
Radical honesty – I want to know what’s really going on…
Extra value – I want to work in an organization that magnifies my strengths…
Authenticity – I want to work in an organization I’m proud of…
Meaning – I want my day-to-day work to be meaningful…
Simple rules – I do not want to be hindered by stupid rules…