How’s your soul?
Written by Stuart Haden on August 18, 2015
I was listening to a podcast recently where I heard this question for the first time – how’s your soul? I admit it is an odd question, a head scratcher or if you’ll excuse the pun soul searching. But given that I work with soul as one of the 5 energy sources (the others are body, heart, mind and spirit) I was was willing to hold onto the question and reflect.
The answer? Pretty good, apart from one thing. I had offered a new client a free half day workshop on authenticity (click here to take a look at the free online course). After speaking he decided he needed two sessions and he asked me to prepare a draft invoice to outline the investment required for the two groups. I prepared the invoice, dates were set and we were all done and dusted. How’s my soul? Mmmm I realised that he hadn’t take advantage of the free session, and it was my duty to point this out. I was £600 worse off but my soul was in tact.
A week later I submitted an invoice with another client. They informed me that more funding had become available and it was OK for me to charge them more?! (I had offered them a healthy discount). This came to £450. So I wasn’t quite quits from a financial point of view but returning to my first paragraph – energy is derived from the soul, body, heart, mind and spirit. Now the portfolio was looking encouraging.
If like my client you have a need for a half day authenticity workshop then let me know and I may be able to run it for free if it ties in with my current research project on authenticity. Warning – if you get in touch we might become soul mates…