Free copy of my book for one small favour

Written by Stuart Haden on September 23, 2014

If you are reading this then I know you are a keen supporter of the work that I do. I have just published my my first online course – The Art of Leadership & Coaching hosted by Udemy I am hoping that you can help me launch this product. I firmly believe that we need to work together as experts in our field, if we can be seen to support each other then it can only benefit the work that we do.

Of course that

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Authenticity and your wild side

Written by Stuart Haden on September 17, 2014

A few weeks ago I was lucky enough to stumble on the work of Daniel Vitalis. He encourages us to ReWild ourselves and bring us closer to our wild, authentic self. In a way it’s hard (and yet so simple) to convey his intentions so I encourage you to check out his ReWild Yourself! Magazine and explore this exciting concept for yourself. Bringing in experts on food and exercise etc Daniel absolutely challenges our world view – how we’ve been domesticated as

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Harness energy by using voice recognition software

Written by Stuart Haden on September 11, 2014

The outcome of the work that I do is to harness energy and develop high performance. Here is an energy saving hack that you can’t ignore. I’m writing this posting in a traffic jam, using voice recognition software. I use Apple products so on my iPhone and iPad I use the Pages app (equivalent to Word in Microsoft terms). I simply use the built in Siri voice recognition software, speaking clearly into the device that translates into text. Using Pages

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An authentic response from a world renowned author

Written by Stuart Haden on September 4, 2014

When I was writing my book (It’s Not About The Coach) I reached out to the good and great of coaching for endorsements. I have had some wonderful comments that have helped me along my way. Some have tried to derail my progress which only strengthened my resolve. Some supported me when I needed it and a couple helped me see things from new perspectives. But the award for the most authentic response has to go to Richard Bach the American writer who

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