The science behind the law of attraction – entanglement
Written by Stuart Haden on August 6, 2014
You catch yourself daydreaming, you start thinking about friend whom you haven’t been in touch with for a while. The next thing you know within a matter of hours or days that friend contacts you. Our of the blue? Romantically yes. Scientifically no. What you have just experienced is the law of attraction. To be more precise (and in scientific terms) this is the theory of entanglement.
This is somewhat a mind blowing theory, however, my short video (5:27) takes this theory and breaks down into simpler more practical steps. The laws of quantum mechanics easily explained. If these laws apply to the quantum world they also apply to us.
Consider how you can be clear on sending messages to others. Be equally clear how you can be open to receiving messages from others. Transmitting and receiving. As well as this video, you might also be interested in reading Entanglement by Amir D Aczel.