Immersive leaders engineer flow, freedom and discovery

Written by Stuart Haden on February 25, 2014

I was recently reading an article in Wired magazine that reminded me of the impact of being immersive, particularly in the context of leadership. The screen saver: Secret Cinema’s mission to save the movies Future Cinema turn films into live events, “We engineer it so there’s a flow, but also freedom and discovery,” Fabien Riggall (founder) explains. For example, suspicious-looking attendees of Casablanca are hauled from the queue by “Vichy French soldiers.”

This immersive quality where you never know what is going

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Guest posting from Rhodri Jones – Play To Your Strengths

Written by Stuart Haden on February 19, 2014

I have always been fascinated by the crossovers between sport and business. Over the past few months I have been working with Rhodri and Robert Jones both of whom have played professional and international rugby. You can see what they are up to at but in the meantime here are some great observations from Rhodri about the pitfalls of working on your weaknesses…

Play To Your Strengths And Focus On What You Do Best

Conventional wisdom suggests

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I’d like to write a book one day…

Written by Stuart Haden on February 4, 2014

Would you? But, why not now? I am not sure how it might end for you, but I know how you can start. You’ve got some post-it notes to hand, right? Great – grab them and write up headings/chapters/characters/places etc. Placed them somewhere, where they can be left for sometime. You might feel like a fake, but you have now started to write your book. This is how my book (It’s Not About The Coach) began for me…


And this is

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