Narrative coaching with Niels-Henrik Sorensen
Written by Stuart Haden on October 18, 2013
Here are my reflections on the European Mentoring and Coaching Council’s (EMCC) research conference, (4:32) video. I was delighted to attend Niels-Henrik Sorensen’s presentation on narrative coaching. I loved his authenticity from the outset, where he outlined to his audience not to critique him for his fast paced approach. Because Niels is exactly that, fast, inspiring and thought-provoking.
Niels presented two really important concepts in the world of narrative coaching (based on a case study approach for a program that he implemented in Denmark.) Firstly, the duality that was experienced by the teachers who also acted as mentors during the programme. This situation reminded me of the film Dead Poets Society, where is the star of the film Robin Williams is portrayed as a maverick.
Secondly, Niels described his approach to the programme where success was measured by people talking more. I reflected on this great point, and realised that this has to be the number one outcome of any coaching relationship. The concept of talking was also offered as a preference rather than a priority. I.e. If the coachee’s preference wasn’t to talk then the coach should back off.